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 about the project 

Government-sponsored exchange program in each country Thai students have the opportunity to learn and exchange cultures abroad. by living with a foster family and study in government schools

There are two types of exchange student programs:

Long term exchange student program (Period 10 - 12 months)

  • There are many countries that can participate in the program such as the United States, Canada, China and all European countries.

  • Students must live with a volunteer family.

  • Students will study in government schools.

  • Students cannot choose a host family and school.

  • Able to bring the grade sheet to compare the class There are few Thai schools that let students repeat the class.

  • In the case of Year 12 students may not receive a High School Certificate upon completion of the course, depending on the school policy the student attends. Therefore, exchange students at Mathayom 6 will take the GED (General Education Development) exam.

  • Students must be of good character. and does not harm others

  • Students must not have any contagious disease. or serious disease or a depressed state of mind

  • The scholarship student visa (J-1) can only be issued once. cannot be reissued

  • Students cannot work while participating in the program.





1. MPLC Thailand is one of the few projects certified by the US Embassy in Thailand as an expert To supervise the student exchange program (J-1 Visa).  

2. You can choose the country to exchange. There are USA, Canada, China and all European countries like Switzerland, Norway, Austria, Germany, France, Finland, Denmark and many more.

3. Supported by a sponsor organization in the United States (Non-Profit Organization in USA) under the supervision of the United States Department of States established a High School Exchange in USA) and is accredited to educational standards from the Council on Standards for International Educatius.

4. Backed by 6 government-supervised overseas exchange organizations with over 35 years of experience operating exchange programs.

5. MPLC Thailand has been established for more than 30 years and currently has 25 exchange students. 

6. There is preparation for students. before traveling abroad which we attach importance to preparation More than other projects with the following preparatory activities

      6.1 Full 1 month preparation course for being an exchange student (already in the project fee)
        6.2 Teach American History / Speech / Speaking in front of the class This is a subject that students say is difficult. and students must study

 Why trade with MPLC? 

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6.3 Preparation activities such as Pajamas Day, Prom Day, Costume Day, etc. are to build confidence for students.
           and make students have the courage to express themselves This can help students avoid a condition known as Cultures Shock
           Because we see that most Thai children are shy children. Most foreign cultures are assertive and not shy.

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6.4 Parental orientation and students before the trip which the orientation was organized by Project representative in Thailand Teacher Kruewan Poonpatatcheewin

and officials from foreign exchange organizations flew directly to the event. At the event, there were seniors who had just returned from being exchange students to share their experiences with the juniors. And there are performance activities from the current generation of exchange students. and many more

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6.5 Prom activities for exchange students There were seniors and juniors attending the dance. with activities such as playing games, disco dancing, prom queens contest and other prizes, etc.

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7. MPLC is a medium-sized enterprise. There are experienced staff who love and take care of students thoroughly. Each year there are approximately 60 - 70 students.
8. All students will be supervised by local staff. and the results are reported Each month continuously, the MPLC will be sent to parents via email.
9. According to students who have participated in the MPLC program, MPLC is not like a company. But it is like a home with father, mother, brothers and sisters and friends.
   Is friendly and warm
10. Project representative Teacher Kruewan Poonpatatcheewin, when he was a student He was also an exchange student at World Vision Organization.
   The teacher lives in the United States. From the high school level until graduating with a bachelor's degree, a total of more than 10 years, allowing teachers to know and understand
   to the process and living as an exchange student as well whether it is about adapting to a new society or exposure to different cultures   The two teachers' sons also participated in the program as cultural exchange students, just like their mothers.

11. We have other projects after the other participants successfully completed the cultural exchange program. such as studying abroad at the high school level university level and internship projects abroad, etc.


 foster family 

MPLC exchange students live with a host family in that country. which this foster family will be a volunteer family who may have different ethnic backgrounds socio-economic family background, different way of life and culture But every family has interests and wants to learn in a culture that is different from their national culture. We are ready to take care of youth from foreign countries and different languages and have volunteer spirit to help accept families for exchange students. without any compensation

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 Characteristics of a foster family 
- The host family must be over 25 years old.
- Families who may have children of the same age as an exchange student Families without children or children who are old and moving to live Lives elsewhere or has members of relatives living in the house, etc.
- In some cases, students may be required to share a room with a child of the same sex and age (Host brother/Host sister) or share a room. with exchange students from other countries (Double Placement)
- a family without children A single family, such as having only a foster father (Single dad)

 Procurement and selection of foster families 


The J1 Exchange Student Program is a special program. focusing on cultural exchange And each country will be able to participate in the program only once, while the F1 program will be a general study for international students. using all self-funded

Characteristics of F-1 or international students studying in that country with all self-funded

1. Students will be enrolled at the highest level in Thailand. no duplicates both in private and government schools
2. In the case of studying in Year 12, upon completion, you will receive a high school certificate and a diploma.
3. Stay in a well-selected homestay (not volunteer)
4. Students can participate in sports or activities outside school hours. no restrictions
5. Able to start studying for both semesters, either in August or January.
6. If you want to continue your studies in the following academic year can do without the need to transfer schools and do not have to return to apply for a visa

 Differences between J-1 and F-1 visas 


The exchange student program is from the government of each country. This is in the form of a scholarship. For example, if a student is interested in studying in the United States for a period of 1 year, the minimum cost is around 800,000 baht. causing the network cost to be approximately Three to four hundred thousand baht, depending on the country and the student's test scores.

 What is Contribution? 


open for examination
exchange student
27th generation

applicant qualifications

14 - 17 years old

Studying at the level of Mathayom 3 - 5


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